Outdoor Recreation, Hunting, and Freshwater Fishing
Regulations Corrections & Clarifications
Page 12 - Section 10E
Closed Area Travel Corridors. The following roads are open travel corridors through permanently closed areas. Stopping or detouring along these routes is prohibited except for emergencies:
• RR213 (from RR257 southwest to RR747). All weapons must be unloaded (if modern firearm, chamber and magazine must be empty; if muzzleloader, breach plug nipple must be uncapped) and fully encased when traveling through the closed area travel corridor on RR213.
• RR487 from RR422 south to RR200 (during General Gun Season dates only)
• RR208 (from RR205 north to RR370) • RR253 (from RR705 to the East Bay River crossing). Note: access to RR253 is from the North only and not accessible from Hwy 98.
Effective 11 Feb 2025, Eglin Range Road (RR) 213 between RR747 and RR257 through the western range complex is CLOSED to all recreational and public through-traffic. Road use is restricted to military test and training mission traffic only. Violation of this Installation Commander Order will result in issuance of a Federal Magistrate citation and/or an Eglin AFB Outdoor Recreation privilege suspension.
Page 23 - Section 18
During the Early Archery Season, Late Primitive Weapon Season, and in Archery Only Areas during all established Eglin deer seasons, the following are allowable methods of take:
- Traditional archery equipment (long, recurve, and compound bows)
- Crossbows and airbows may ONLY be used by hunters holding a current FWC Persons with Disabilities Crossbow and Airbow Permit
- All arrows for taking deer must be equipped with broadheads having at least two sharpened edges with minimum width of 7/8 inch
- Restrictions: The use or possession of firearms, air guns, and dogs is prohibited (except that CCW is allowed as outlined in Section 17). Use of crossbows or airbows requires a Persons with Disabilities Crossbow and Airbow Permit from the FWC. For more information visit https://myfwc.com/license/accessibility/ada-for-hunters/persons-with-disabilities-crossbow-and-airbow-permit/.